We have known for some time that moderate exercise is linked to improved immune function. Physical activity seems to boost the innate immune system, in part by increasing the production of macrophages. This is particularly true for regular, daily activity, and the results of maintaining a regular amount of physical activity are desirable. For instance,…
The Interplay of Genetics and Environment in Parkinson’s Disease
Key takeaways:~ Parkinson’s disease is caused by a combination of genetic factors and environmental exposures.~ Several different genetic pathways can contribute to the development of the disease.~ This article discusses various genetic variants that increase the risk of Parkinson’s disease and how they interact with environmental and lifestyle factors. Members will see their genotype report…
Physical Activity May Have a Stronger Role Than Genes in Longevity
Summary: Higher rates of light physical activity and moderate-to-vigorous exercise were associated with a lower risk of death. Sedentary lifestyles were associated with a higher risk of death. The findings were consistent among women with different levels of genetic predispositions to longevity. Source: UCSD Previous research has shown that low physical activity and greater time…
A Shot Towards Ending a Pandemic: Vaccines Explained
This is the 4th and final blog in our series from MS Biology students from Dominican University. In this post, student authors Taira Saracco, Joseph Morris, Fadzai Teramayi, & Elena Battistoni explain the science and development process of vaccines . You can catch up on the series by reading the first blog, about vaccines, the 2nd…
Is Sleeping The Key To Productivity?
It’s not just about what you do — it’s when you do it. Learn how understanding your sleep chronotype can help you optimize your life. Let’s talk about the early bird for a minute. Those people (you know who you are) that wake up with the sun, practice a round of yoga, exercise, and knock…
4 Best AKG Supplements: Benefits, Dosage, & Review of Alpha-Ketoglutarate
Could alpha ketoglutarate (AKG) supplements be the closest thing to a fountain of youth? The world of longevity medicine has focused primarily on powerful and natural NAD+ precursors and other body-protective ingredients. For the most part, other classes of molecules have flown under the radar. Yet the potential lifespan and healthspan-promoting properties of alpha-ketoglutarate are…
5 Best Mocktails You Can Make with Superfoods
After a long day of work on a Friday, we all just want to relax. For some, that means going to a bar with coworkers or friends to enjoy a good beer. For others, it means going home to a bottle of wine and a new chapter of their favorite TV show. We all want…
News and Research: Genetic Risk Factor for ME/CFS
Article (Pre-print): Genetic Risk Factors for ME/CFS Identified using Combinatorial Analysis Overview: Researchers re-analyzed genetic data from previous ME/CFS studies using a new technique with combinatorial analysis and machine learning. The technique allowed them to group the ME/CFS patients into ‘communities’ based on symptoms, and they looked for genetic variants that were linked to those…
What the experts are saying: Part 3 of our biggest takeaways from our COVID-19 webinars
Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, the Buck has been gathering evidence-based opinions and information from top researchers and thinkers about the science aimed at bringing it to an end. What are the biggest takeaways so far? How close are we to getting back to normal? Everyone, from molecular biologists and epidemiologists to clinicians and public…
Why You Shouldn’t Resolve to Resolve Anything This Year
Each January sparks a flurry of New Year’s resolutions: drink less alcohol, eat better, quit smoking, spend less, exercise more, and so on. Many may try Dry January, 30-day diets or exercise challenges, or deleting social media apps – and the January Gym Rush speaks for itself. These goals can often be boiled down to…