Summary: Regular weight training exercise is associated with a reduced risk of death, a new study reports. Incorporating aerobic exercise with weight-based exercise adds to the protective effect. Source: BMJ Regularly exercising with weights is linked to a lower risk of death from any cause, with the exception of cancer, finds research carried out in…
The promise of Metformin highlights the need for precision medicine
Metformin has been used successfully to treat type 2 diabetes for more than 60 years. In 2019 it was the fourth-most commonly prescribed medication in the US, with more than 85 million prescriptions written. Metformin became a “darling” of research on aging when medical records revealed that people with diabetes taking the drug often lived…
Rapamycin for Longevity: The Anti-Aging Miracle Drug?
Although the human lifespan has increased over recent decades, the human health-span has been unable to keep pace. While we are living longer due to scientific advancements, the number of years we spend without age-related diseases has not increased proportionately. Lifestyle interventions often recommended too late in life tend not to be sufficient to prevent, halt, or…
TrueScience® Skin Care Products: Are They Safe?
When I’ve worked with my high schoolers and college students in the past, a theme that pops up (in just about every subject I’ve taught) is the conflation of new with unsafe. While new may be scary – it doesn’t necessarily mean unsafe. Applying that to skincare – the idea of putting products on the…
Soy – The Good, The Bad, and The Fermented
For nearly 40 years, soy was one of the biggest health foods in the world. Vegetarians lauded it as a complete protein. Doctors professed its cholesterol-lowering effects. Tofu and soy milk became household staples that you still see today. There’s a toxic side to soy, though. Not all of it is bad – in fact,…
Coffee and its health benefits according to nutritionist
Introduction Coffee is an excellent source of antioxidants and other beneficial compounds that may reduce inflammation and provide protection against numerous illnesses. It serves as a guard against potential diseases. Furthermore, coffee can be used as an exfoliant, being an effective method for achieving desirable skin results. In conclusion, coffee offers notable health and beauty…
How to Optimize Health: Interview on VatorNews Podcast
What is health? This may sound like a fairly obvious question, but it has actually been the subject of vigorous debate for thousands of years. A dictionary would tell you that health is the absence of illness or injury, and indeed that was the prevailing view for a long time. However, in 1948, the World…
ADRA1A Receptors: Blood vessel reactions under stress
Blood pressure and heart rate regulation are complex and fascinating. Our bodies have multiple ways of increasing or decreasing blood flow, depending on whether we are relaxed, exercising, stressed — or diving into the water. We need oxygen and blood flow to the brain, heart, and lungs at all times, and when we are under…
At What Age Can You Start Hormone Replacement Therapy?
Most people expect certain changes to occur as they age. Waking up feeling a bit stiffer after an unusually strenuous workout or noticing a slight dip in libido, for example, are common age-related changes for both men and women. But some people notice more significant symptoms as they age, which could be related to hormonal…
What the experts are saying: biggest takeaways from our ongoing COVID-19 conversations
Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, the Buck has been gathering evidence-based opinions and information from top researchers and thinkers about the science aimed at bringing it to an end. What are the biggest takeaways so far? How close are we to getting back to normal? Everyone, from molecular biologists and epidemiologists to clinicians and public…